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Shipping containers are the best way of a safe & secure transit of various effects (FCL) full container loadWe sell CSC plated Cargo worthy New and used Containers for conversions, storage, and freight WORLDWIDE worldwide container sales, worldwide container hire, worldwide container deliv...
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Buy, Hire & Ship CSC Plated Containers Worldwide

Shipping containers are the best way of a safe & secure transit of various effects (FCL) full container load

We sell CSC plated Cargo worthy New and used Containers for conversions, storage, and freight WORLDWIDE
worldwide container sales, worldwide container hire, worldwide container deliveries and collection

Sizes available from 10ft up to 45ft in standard & high cube containers

10ft containers are not available to all destinations

Standard container size

10ft container   length 2.819  width 2.337 height 2.591

20ft container   length 5.900  width 2.352 height 2.591 (USED = £2556.99) (NEW = £4464.99 TO PURCHASE)

40ft container   length 12.034 width 2.352 height 2.591 (USED = £2939.99) (NEW = £5949.99 TO PURCHASE)

High cube container size

40ft container  length 12.192 width 2.438 height 2.896 (USED = £2939.99) (NEW = £5949.99 TO PURCHASE)

45ft container length 13.556    width 2.438     height 2.896 (USED = £3939.99) (NEW = £6949.99 TO
These large mobile storage units are ideal for transporting vehicles, machinery, personal effects for returning residents & just about anything Worldwide

And that’s how we forward your (LCL) less than container load in our (FCL) full container load of mixed cargo commercial & personal effects to its final destination

When ordered to ship, it will come on the back of a 44 ton lorry about 1220m off the ground this height will differ depend on trailer type

You also have a option to have a container placed on the ground (terms & conditions apply)

It is always best to have us load & secure your cargo with our experienced load team or you can have your own load team with enough hands on deck to complete the load within 2-3 hours depending on size of container or demurrage charges apply after full or part hour

Cargo Worthy Containers are available to buy & ship WORLDWIDE

FREE (Large) Removal kits, WORTH £74.99 each, FREE When you ship a 10ft - 45ft container Worldwide

contents of removal kit are below all boxes supplied are double wall

x10 largeboxes, x10 medium boxes, x1 10mtrs bubble wrap, 2.5kg of packaging paper, x5blue linen bags, x1 cd/dvd box, x1 bitz box, x2 brown tape, x1 fragile tape, x1marker, x2 armchair covers, x1 3seater settee cover, x1 6ft mattress cover, x1outer box.